Margaret Norton – Independent Rep for It Works! Personal Life Coach, Writer, Speaker.

Posts tagged ‘Deserts’

Family Reunion, Homecoming, Tail Gaiting

Where do you find massive quantities of food? Events such as family reunions and homecomings. This past weekend I attended the 24th annual homecoming for my fathers family. The crowd was smaller than usual – the weather wasn’t good which kept some people away but those who came brought home cooked goodies. The week before the reunion I tried to eat lite in preparation for the reunion. Saturday I managed okay but Sunday I attended homecoming with my niece at her church.  (more…)

Life Without Chocolate

As I enter my third month of weight loss I ask myself is it getting easier or harder. Some things are easier but overall it is still hard. For years now I’ve pretty much eaten what I wanted and there are days when I just want to sit down and pig out. I don’t seem to crave sweets and sugar as much but I still have not completely deleted those from my diet. To be honest it is hard for me to imagine life without chocolate. I’ve never particularly liked dark chocolate. But I love milk chocolate and white chocolate and if it has caramel or whipped topping or nuts ……… that’s the best. Milky Way is my favorite. (more…)