Margaret Norton – Independent Rep for It Works! Personal Life Coach, Writer, Speaker.

Be Active in North Carolina

This week was much better for me. I lost 1 pound. So, I’m a little over 13 lbs lost in 8 weeks. I can tell a difference in how I look and how my clothes fit. It’s a holiday weekend and thankfully I don’t have a lot planned. House and dog sitting which means I am by myself. No cookouts, no big temptations. But that comes next weekend. I’m going out of town for 2 1/2 days. Staying in a hotel and eating out. So, that means I need to be extra diligent this coming week.

This weekend I’ve been reviewing a study by a non-profit agency, be active North Carolina. The obesity rates in our state have tripled in the past 25 years. That is alarming!

The study talks about the medical consequences of this, lost time from work, monetary cost, premature death, etc. The goal of this agency is to empower North Carolinians to lead healthy, physically active lifestyles. 

Check out their web site:

Their goal is to recruit 1 million members. Today I became member 54,364. When you join the group you can track your physical activity on their website. Studies show that we are 70% more likely to achieve our goals if we belong to a team of people who share the same goals. If we don’t get a handle on our obesity rates it’s only going to make things worse for our children and grandchildren. We owe it to them to change this disturbing trend and set a better example.

If I can figure out how to maneuver the power point I will share some of it with you next week. Next week is the beginning of the Sept 11 celebration. This morning I watches various individuals who worked in the towers but survived being interviewed. It reminded me of how much I have to be thankful for to live in a country like this. The interviewer asked if our lives were better 10 years later. I pondered that for awhile. What I do know is that as our health deteriorates so does our quality of life. We have to do more to take care of our health.

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